Having browsed this site you have decided to visit Bangladesh, eh? Thank you. You won’t be disappointed. Allow us to arrange your trip for you.
First, of course, you have to get there. You can go by air or by land. And don’t forget the visa requirements. You also need to take certain health precautions.
It would help if knew a bit about the monetary system and custom regulations. What else do you need to know? Aha. Bangladesh time is 6 hours ahead of GMT, so don’t forget to set your watch appropriately. If you know a bit about our weather and climate, it would help you decide what to wear.
Knowing a bit about bangla [bengali] the national language might help you a lot. We have put up a survival Bengali page where you can learn a smattering of Bangla. While English is still widely understood, hardly any sign-posts and shop signs would be in English.
Friday is the weekly holiday, so you must watch out if you are coming from the west. Some organizations may take Thursday or Saturday off as well. Office hours vary from 7:30 to 2:00 for most government offices to 9:00 to 5:00 for some businesses. Banks are open to the public from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
The people of Bangladesh are mostly Muslim and the religion affects all aspects of life in Bangladesh. There are many many festivals and holidays in Bangladesh.
Let’s assume you have reached Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Now you do need to find some transport to take us to where you want to stay. Feeling rested now? You must be hungry.
I do suppose I shall have to stop here for now. I will let you get some sleep and then take you on a whirlwind tour thorough the country. First, we begin with the Dhaka tour, and then we shall visit the other wondrous places. Bear with me. You are going to have loads of fun.
Next, I am going to take you to the Northern Division of Rajshahi, a place replete with archeological sites including the largest Vihara (Buddhist Image House) south of the Himalayas. And then come with me to the Khulna Division, home of the Royal Bengal Tiger. And finally, let us visit the division of Chittagong, replete with variety and host to the world’s longest beach.